PORT Magazine is released annually by students from Bauhaus-University Weimar. It exhibits interdisciplinary and selected students’ works, diplomas, and projects from various fields, such as architecture, product design, visual communication, media arts, fine arts and media science.
This year’s issue focuses on the essence of a semester and of it’s outcome for each person individually.
To get to the final result it demands a full range of decision-making: we go through a process of collecting and dropping ideas, we make mistakes, and sometimes it takes us a long way round to get to the actual point. Loose thoughts get solid and in the end we get to compress our thoughts into the one essential message we intend to express.
But what does truly remain? Is it the perfectly shaped and well thought out result, the experience we made or even the progress itself? We want students to think further and beyond about what’s substance.
Not only the content of the magazine revoles around fundamental questions regarding the essence of a productive semester, also the pure design of the magazine itself goes with the concept and displays this through many subtle thought-out details to round it all off.
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